Biosafety Levels

How do we handle the world most dangerous viruses?

Have you ever heard of biological hazard and wondered what it means? You have probably seen this sign somewhere, but what threat does it imply and how dangerous can it be?

Graham's Number

What is the largest number you can think of?

Have you ever wondered what is the largest finite number you can think of? No it is not 40 (largest number on earth in terms of surface area). It first seems like a meaningless question, because no matter how large a number is, you can always go higher. But now we are going to talk about one of the largest finite meaningful number, the Graham’s number.

Industrial Revolution

How are you seeing this post here..?

Have you ever wondered when and how the current technology that we are using now are born? What drives the birth of an advanced-technology world? Everything we do and utilised now, our almost every waking and sleeping second, all thanks to the industrial revolution.

Honey Bees

The wonders of nature… bees

Honey bees are one of the most collaborative insects in the world. Have you ever wondered how bees work together in such systematic way to sustain their colony? What are the roles and castes in honey bees?


Masks.. an essential tool in the 2020s

One has seen the importance of masks to fight against diseases and the spread of viruses. Have you ever wondered how masks work, specifically the N95 masks? You might be thinking, all masks are like a mesh of fibers with gaps too small for dusts and other airborne particles to get through. But what’s so special about the N95 masks?

Selfish Gene

Every organism is selfish because of the gene..

Have you ever wondered about the origin of a species? Why are we all here? Where do we come from? The theory of evolution focus on how an organism compete for survival and how that competition shapes a species over multiple generation. If we look closely, the contest also plays out at a much finer level, level of the gene.

Placebo Effect

Belief is the key to success

Have you ever wondered can our power of belief change our body physically? A placebo is something that shouldn’t work, but due to our power of belief, does! In medical field, placebo can have a powerful influence on the body, in some cases can even help the body heals. How?

Fermi Paradox

Have you ever looked up into the sky and wondered, are we alone in this universe? Why haven’t we seen any extraterrestrials life out there? The contradiction that despite the high odds of extraterrestrials civilization, we have yet to discover any single one of them, is called the Fermi paradox.


Twinkle twinkle little stars… really, how little can they be?

Have you ever wondered how stars are formed? Why do they “twinkle”? There are estimated 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. Stars size vary, some can be even few thousand times larger than our sun!

Grandfather Paradox

Move back in time..?

Have you ever wondered how can we achieve time travel to the past? In the light series part 2 we talked about time dilation, which sort of let you move forward in time when you are moving close to light speed. But what about time travel to the past? One of the problems that will arise with travelling back in time, is the famous grandfather paradox.

Round Earth

Why not flat earth?

Have you ever wondered why is the earth round? Why is everything out there (stars and planets) round? Why isn’t the earth flat so we won’t fall down at the bottom of earth if the earth is round?

Morse Code

Can you hear me SOS?

Have you ever wondered what can you do to call for help when you’re stranded in a deserted island with no phone/internet? You’ve probably heard of SOS, an international distress/emergency signal. But what does it really mean?

Neonatal Jaundice

The skin and whites of the eyes start turning yellow…

Have you ever wondered how and why newborn babies develop jaundice that causes the skin and the whites of the eyes to turn yellow? Is treatment needed and what are the treatments?


At the end of the rainbow, you will find true meaning of life.

Have you ever wondered what brings the combination of colours to the sky when the sun shines after the rainfall? Let’s talk about one of the most stunning natural phenomenon: rainbow!

Artificial Intelligence

Will AI take over the world?

What is all the “hype” about AI? There is no doubt that the development of AI has changed people’s lifestyle drastically over the years. What do you know about it?


Stunning swirls of light that dazzle the night skies..

Have you ever wondered how these beautiful aurora/nothern lights are formed? Why do they only occur in the earth’s polar region?


Fastest thing in the universe..?

Have you ever wondered what inspired Albert Einstein to come up with one of the greatest scientific theory? In this series you will learn the basic theory of special relativity and all of its fundamental element: light.

Praying Mantis

Love is beautiful… or is it?

Have you ever wondered how these little beautiful insects mate? How do they pass their genes on to the next generation? Enter one of the most intrigued insects: praying mantises.

Sky is blue..?

“The sun is up, the sky is blue”.. but why?

Have you ever wondered why when the sun is high up, the sky is so blue and so bright? In contrast, the outer space beyond us always looks like a black void?

Schrödinger's Cat

“Curiosity kills the cat.”

Have you ever wondered how curiosity can actually kill a cat? Yes, it’s none other than one of the most famous thought experiments “Schrödinger’s Cat” devised by physicist Erwin Schrödinger to illustrate quantum mechanics.