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Artificial Intelligence

Will AI take over the world?

What is all the “hype” about AI? There is no doubt that the development of AI has changed people’s lifestyle drastically over the years. What do you know about it?


Special thanks to Yuan Qi for creating this series on Artificial Intelligence.

Part 1: Introduction

Have you ever wondered what is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? What can it do and how does it affect our lifestyles and the future of humanity?

Most people will immediately think of an apocalyptic event where robots take over of Earth, wiping the insignificant human race off the surface of Earth.

Deep Blue, an AI developed by IBM won a chess game against the World Champion in Chess!

How is that possible? Chess is a game that’s beyond traditional programming because it simply has too many possible combinations of move.

The traditional computer is a machine that follows exactly what it is instructed. The computer couldn’t think or better, can’t think.

How is it possible that a computer like Deep Blue is better than human at chess? This is all due to a completely new paradigm that revolutionized the way we teach computers.

Part 2: From Top-Down to Bottom-Up

Have you ever wondered how computers learn? Conventionally, we teach computer a set of rules. ie. if I want a computer to check if a number x is greater than 0, we tell it:

If x>0, return True

From a simple task like this to operating a server with billions of user, it’s still using the same fundamental principle of teaching: the top-down approach. By going from the problem (top) to the solution (down), we split one problem into smaller problems that can be solved using simple logics.

How can we teach a computer for it to recognise hand-written digits? How do we learn that when we were young?

Firstly, our parents reads the names of different numbers for us repeatedly. If we guess it correctly, we get a cookie. Otherwise, we get a punishment. asian cries

This is the fundamental principle behind the new way of teaching computers, by reinforcing the wanted outcome using mathematical tools, allowing the computer to create its own rules in order to not be “punished”. Familiar enough? Yes, that’s how we learn as well!

This method is generally known as the bottom-up approach or Machine Learning. How can math learn rules?




  • Machine Learning: Machine learning (ML) is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms use historical data as input to predict new output values.


Part 1

Part 2