
i wonder

Hi all! Welcome to I Wonder blog post! So have you ever wondered why did I create an instagram account and this blog?

“Being curious and asking ‘why’ is probably a best bet to learn something.”

It is mainly for knowledge sharing and discussions. This is a place where there is no boundary to your imagination! I love to share what I’ve learnt throughout my rough journey of life. I will share some of the interesting facts, simple explanations and some useful technical skills, so think of this as a knowledge hub!

You can always dm me for any clarification, content suggestions, and knowledge that you wanted to share through and you will be credited in the post.

I will share at least one content every fortnight for now, I do hope that you will be enlightened!! 🤓

If you like story from books, movies, songs, theatre and musicals, be sure to check out my friend’s Jekyll blog whatsthestoryabout!